Tetrafusion is an experimental/progressive metal band based out of Shreveport, Louisiana. Having just released their debut album “Absolute Zero” in February of 2009, the band has begun to garner global acclaim from rave reviews and new fans worldwide. While the band is currently writing for their sophomore album, plans for vocalist Gary Tubbs (also the group’s keyboardist) are taking shape. Though established on the foundation of instrumental jams and their unorthodox approach to songwriting, Tetrafusion promises to stay true to their home in the progressive genre while continuing to hone and polish their style as a result of sheer musical innovation. Choosing not to have used a vocalist for their debut, Tetrafusion forced listeners to direct their attention to the music rather than on the lyrics, where it should be focused. Although soon introducing lyrics to current and future listeners alike, the music itself will continue to remain as the primary focus in all future endeavors. © http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/tetrafusion
Tetrafusion is an experimental progressive metal band from Louisana, and Absolute Zero is their debut album. This is how the band describe the album in the booklet: Absolute Zero is a concept album based on cosmology, along with the associated theorems and laws behind it. The album depicts the life of the universe from beginning to end via the form of instrumental music. Along with this, each of the eight songs on this disc, some of which are divided into multiple movements, is explained in great detail. Starting with the 10-plus-minute "The Beginning," the album takes on a fusion of fluid, articulate guitar and keyboard parts built around a bass-centric drive. A perfect choice to represent the overall vibe of the album, the song weaves crushingly heavy passages and atmospherically dense sections with subtle changes in tempo and melody. Both bass and guitar solos abound, where the guitars take on a liquidy flow during the solo passages. The use of cello and piano on "Dark Matter" helps establish a more laidback yet emotionally engaging context while the transition from the soft acoustic passages to the fierce, head-spinningly agile guitar work on "Energy" contributes to the diversity of Absolute Zero. Of particular note is track four, "Gravity." It starts off with a gorgeous piano motif that eventually takes on a jazzy feel. It is informed by constantly ascending and descending melodic patterns. According to the information given in the booklet, the acceleration of gravity is 9.8 metres per second, which is symbolized by the song's opening riff in the 9/8 time signature. From here on, each section sees the band morphing the melodic drive, constantly dropping one beat with the arrival of a curious Latin breakdown and shifting to 4/4 or 8/8 rhythms, and then to 7/8, losing yet another beat. It sounds very mathematical perhaps, but unlike many instrumental prog bands, Tetrafusion's songs are absolutely listenable and painstakingly well composed. The aptly titled album finale, "The End," is equally complex if not the highlight of the whole album. At over 15 minutes, it is the song that depicts the inevitable fall of the universe. Alternating between passages filled with symphonies of riffs and piano-supported melodic interludes, the song turns into the soundtrack of the apocalypse. The first movement, "Expansion," sees the quartet building (expanding) the melodies from a time signature standpoint while the second movement, "The Big Freeze," depicts mankind's reaction to this catostrophe. Without doubt, the last movement, "Absolute Zero," functions as a summary of the album, or the life of the universe in this case, and gets particularly emotional during the piano-driven medley to "resurrect" its former phases. If the wailing guitar solo at the end doesn't devastate you, then you're not breathing. Overall, Absolute Zero is highly recommended, especially to fans of instrumental progressive music. This is so far the only instrumental disc I've liked from start to finish this year. - ****/5 A concept fully realized, August 12, 2009 By & © Murat Batmaz (Istanbul, Turkey) © 1996-2014, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates http://www.amazon.com/product-reviews/B001RCAK50/ref=acr_dpdigitalmusic_text/178-7302387-3046267?ie=UTF8&showViewpoints=1
Sound: In the past couple years it's become increasingly difficult to find good instrumental music, let alone good music in general, but Tetrafusion's debut album Absolute Zero could change that. Absolute Zero is definitely one of the best albums of the year despite the lack of a singer. The album is based on the concept of the universe starting with the Big Bang and finishing with the universe's demise, without a single word being uttered. The thing I love about this album is that it feels like an epic music journey from start to finish. Every song just flows, for instance the song Dark Matter it begins with a cello and a piano playing together and at 1:28 the cello disappears and a perfect transition to guitar begins without skipping a beat. Another great song on this album is The End, my personal favorite; it's a 15-minute epic and even if this were the only song on the album I would still pay 10 dollars for it. I only have one problem with the whole album and it's that at some points in the album the distorted guitar lacks tone; it's not even that noticeable and it rarely happens but that's the only thing stopping me from giving this album a 10. // 9 Lyrics: Despite the lack of any singing in Absolute Zero Tetrafusion still does a great job telling a story. In the song The End the band has no problem expressing the feeling of inevitable doom and chaos. Even without lyrics, this song has epic written all over it. // 9 Overall Impression: The thing that stands out on Absolute zero is the amazing layering and the unbelievable transitions. I listen to a lot of music, but never have I heard a 15-minute instrumental song that kept my interest the whole time. Absolute zero is definitely a modern masterpiece. I, without a doubt, put this in my top ten best albums of 2009. If you don't get hooked within the first song this album isn't for you. Absolute Zero is a definite buy for people who like Dream Theater, Genesis, Between the Buried and Me, Yes, King Crimson, or progressive rock in general. Although Tetrafusion is amazingly talented they have yet to have any real commercial success, and That's sad thing about music the best bands are always in the shadows of bands like My Chemical Romance or The Jonas Brothers so I ask that everyone help support Tetrafusion and buy Absolute Zero you wont be disappointed. // 10 - [Reviewer rating: 9.3 / 10 Reviewed by & © ARS0NiiST, on may 08, 2009 © 2014 Ultimate-Guitar.com or its affiliates. All rights reserved http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/reviews/compact_discs/tetrafusion/absolute_zero/
Crank up your speakers music friends and get ready to go on a ride! Tetrafusion's Absolute Zero is a melodic metal masterpiece. The album's first and last tracks are appropriately named 'The Beginning' and 'The End' respectively and will take you on a journey from the moment you hit play until the very last note, leaving you wanting more. The Beginning' starts off with an intriguing bass riff that will perk the listener's ears to wonder what is coming next. Driving guitar and riveting drums kick in next followed before too long with cosmic keys that launch the listener on a journey through the heavens. Absolute Zero is not only a fantastic album with eight outstanding tracks on it, but it is also a concept album that easily rivals any predecessors. Through technical virtuosity and musical ingenuity, Tetrafusion takes us on an epic journey detailing the birth, life and death of the universe from its explosion into existence to its fading out at the end. With no lyrics, the listener must rely on the ear-satisyfying blended themes, the soul stirring recurring motifs and the underlying melodies that bind the album together. This is done with masterful precision to leave the listener feeling at the end as though he truly has just witnessed one of the greatest mysteries of mankind. So who is Tetrafusion? Take note as this is a band well worth becoming acquainted. Gary Tubbs(keyboards), Mark Michell(bass), J.C. Bryant(percussion) and Brooks Tarkington(guitar) combine to bring us this marvelous progressive foursome. Formed in October of 2006, the group began as a jazz/slow jam band but as their music became more creative and innovative they changed their direction to progressive experimental metal. Absolute Zero is shockingly their first full length album and I hope the first of many. Special mention has to be paid to the final track on the album, 'The End'. This fifteen minute epic piece details out the end of the universe as we know it from the catastrophic feelings humanity faces as it meets its demise to the final conclusion of the existence of the universe, absolute zero. From beginning to end this piece is a masterful whirlwind in and of itself with unexpected time signature shifts, brilliant key changes and a remarkable blend of varoius musical styles . Just when you think the metal can't get any better it changes entirely to a haunting, stunning solo on the keys then launches into a bluesy riff before circling back to the metal. It will keep the listener on the edge wondering what will come next while uniting the entire album for an outstanding conclusion. If you love progressive metal Absolute Zero is a must have for your collection. If progressive metal is not your thing, I would highly recommend you give this album a try because I believe you will find yourself pleasantly surprised. I give this album Four and a half Froggs only because I know their next album will be a five. - from Tetrafusion - Absolute Zero (by Eowyn Langholf) POSTED BY PROGFROGG AT 3:42 PM © http://progfrogg.blogspot.ie/2009/06/tetrafusion-absolute-zero-by-eowyn.html
Tetrafusion is an American progressive metal band formed in 2006 in Shreveport, Louisiana. "Absolute Zero" is their debut album and is a progressive metal release very much in the Dream Theater, Liquid Tension Experiment, or Symphony X mould. "Absolute Zero" is a "concept" album, supposedly dealing with the cosmic birth and death of the universe. Some of these "concept" albums are often offputting to many music fans as they often contain a series of musical pieces that are repetititious, devoid of any real imagination, and musically drift aimlessly along without any memorable structures or melody. Two very good concept or thematic albums are Ry Cooder's "Paris Texas" soundtrack to the movie, and Brian Eno's "Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks" which was written about the Apollo moon missions. Both these albums conveyed feelings, sounds and emotions very relative to their themes. It is very difficult to compose music that can convey to the listener the ideas behind certain themes and concepts but there are exceptions. Going back to Tetrafusion's "Absolute Zero" is a good album in that the "concept" behind the album is probably irrelevant because the music by itself is really good. Check out Tetrafusion's "Altered State" album [All tracks @ 320 Kbps: File size = 140 Mb]
1. The Beginning - Michell, Tarkington, Tubbs 10:14
a). The Big Bang
b). The First Star
c). The First Galaxy
d). As We Know It
2. Dark Matter - Tarkington 8:28
3. Energy - Tarkington 3:34
a). Potential
b). Kinetic
4. Gravity - Michell, Tarkington, Tubbs 4:30
5. Inertia - Bryant, Michell, Tarkington, Tubbs 6:17
6. Momentum - Michell, Tarkington 5:45
7. Time Lapse - Bryant, Michell, Tarkington 3:01
8. The End - Michell, Tarkington, Tubbs 15:00
a). Expansion
b). The Big Freeze
c). Absolute Zero
Brooks Tarkington - Guitars
Mark Michell - Bass
Gary Tubbs - Keyboards
J.C. Bryant - Drums
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